Friday 27 August 2010


So, a sweet and short post as I reveal,  as promised, the meanings of the words in my 'word collection'. And congratulations for those of you who already knew one or two of them, please go ahead and enjoy that sensation of being a clever-clogs. Here is illumination:

Sesquipedalians   - multi-syllable words   

Duffifie - to make a bottle 'confess' (that is to lay it on its side until all its contents are drained).

Colus - a whitish beast with a hogs head that drinks through its nostrils.

Quizling     - an enemy/traitor.

Wobble Shop  - illegal intoxicant shop.
Spelunking - exploration of caves.

Tchotchke - (pronounced chach-kuh) a trinket/knick knack.

Tyromancy - the divination of the future by reading coagulation of cheese.

Discombobulate - having your composure disturbed, a state of confusion.

Limn - to depict by drawing, to portray in words, describe.   

Obstreperous - noisy and stubbornly defiant, unruly, boisterous.

Bombinate - to buzz, hum.

and finally (and possibly my favourite):

Bibliobibuli - to be drunk on books (a state I often find myself in).

Should you wish to locate a good word of the day generator for yourself (and I highly recommend it), I can heartily suggest (today's word: Sward), or sign up to a free email service which will send wonderful words into your email box. Go to:  
(today's word: Schlep) and sign up to email or SMS (you'll have to pay for  the first SMS).

Alternatively, become my follower and I'll post a round-up of all the best words once a month.



  1. Hi! I thought I'd already left a comment here, but it's not here so I guess not!

    I love all these words, especially bombinate and limn. Now I just need to try and use them in a sentence...

    Also wanted to let you know there's an award waiting for you on my blog. Check it out: It will make you bombinate with excitement! Maybe? xx

  2. Brilliant! I think I'm going to enjoy your blog very much indeed..

  3. ps - I would happily follow you, but I can't find anywhere to sign up?

  4. Thanks Sian! I've put up the Followers button on the right - not sure where it went in the first place, maybe it needed a break from sitting on my sidebar. Anyway, should you wish to, you should just be able to click and follow now.


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